Birds of a feather fight for Heather
Photo by Jessica Bauza
You may have heard that Maitri is hosting a breast cancer awareness and fundraiser event this Saturday to benefit local patients, survivors, and Hair Peace Charities.
You may have also noticed our Uniontown pharmacist, Heather, wearing a bandana over the last couple months.
This past summer, Heather went for a routine mammogram. Test results indicated she had invasive ductal carcinoma and invasive lobular carcinoma. In layperson’s terms, this means Heather had a form of breast cancer that had spread from the ducts and lobules of the breast tissue into other parts of her body.
Three weeks later, Heather underwent a lumpectomy and had eight lymph nodes under her arm removed. After surgery, tests showed a high chance of recurrence, and Heather quickly started chemotherapy, to be followed by 35 treatments of radiation.
“I never understood what the word malaise meant until I started chemo. I define it as the ‘all over yucky feeling.’ It’s like you have the flu from head to toe.”
Heather’s doctors were open to including medical marijuana in her treatment plan. “Throughout this process I’ve had to consult with my PCP, gynecologist, a surgeon and an oncologist. Only one out of the four providers didn’t support me incorporating medical marijuana into my treatment, so I found another one who was.”
The conventional medications she was prescribed to treat the symptoms brought on by chemotherapy all brought many unwanted side effects: blurred vision, headaches, drowsiness, and dry mouth. “"In my situation, conventional medicine made me feel worse. People need to know cannabis is a great alternative for treating side effects of chemotherapy.”
“As a pharmacist with decades of experience with conventional medicine, I firmly believe medical marijuana is better than prescription medications for managing these symptoms associated with cancer treatment.”
Heather’s medical marijuana regimen
“Sour Joker has been my go-to strain throughout all of this, with some Black Cherry Soda and Maui Wowie mixed in. Some people may not like Sour Joker at night—I recommend Pre98 Bubba Kush as a nighttime alternative for those who are more prone to insomnia.”
For her medical marijuana treatment, Heather focused on identifying the right terpenes for treating her symptoms.
“When your immune system is down and suppressed by chemo, you’re more prone to infections. Terpinolene has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, plus it inhibits cancer cell growth.”
“This terpene is great for pain relief and relieving muscle spasms.”
“An appetite stimulant. I’ve GAINED five pounds since starting chemo last month!”
“For treating the nausea, I’ve been using Black Cherry Soda, because in addition to caryophelene and myrcene, it also contains limonene which is an immunostimulant—it makes your immune system stronger.”
Ongoing challenges
“The next challenge is figuring out these mouth sores caused by the chemo. I’m going to try a tincture that’s not alcohol based and see how it works.”
Bonus tip:
“Right after the lumpectomy, I had residual pain under my arm. I used the Soothe topical cream and it worked wonders.”
In closing
“Ladies go get your mammograms done. A self-administered exam didn’t detect it for me, and even the doctors said they never would have felt it.”
On Hair Peace Charities
“Bonnie Diver, their director, is amazing. She doesn’t just do wigs! She’s gone through this herself and gives you all kinds of tips and education on things like nutrition, holistic alternatives to medications. I’m excited for this Saturday’s event and the awareness and support it will bring for her organization.”